Documents required to obtain an industrial registry and a needs sheet 5/1


In the case of establishing a factory, an industrial register shall be obtained from the Industrial Development Authority. It is recommended to appoint a lawyer to follow up all procedures, because they differ according to the activity practiced by the company.

The establishment of factories is only in the industrial zone, and an industrial license shall be available.

Needs card through which the required raw materials are imported.

Documents required to obtain an industrial registry and a needs sheet :

  • Proof of identity of the applicant.
  • A recent and valid extract of the commercial register (no more than 3 months old).
  • Power of attorney or authorization in the case of the principal or delegate .
  • Deed of ownership of the facility (lease contract or title deed).
  • A valid membership certificate from the Federation of Industries.
  • Technical and Environmental File (Engineering Consulting Office).
  • Fire prevention report or previous civil defense approval (the report is approved by an engineering consultant office).
  • Tax card .
  • The original industrial register or operating license in case of modification (the modification of the operating license will be if the activity of the required license is different from the original activity for which the factory was assigned).
  • Letter of connection of utilities according to the required capacity (electricity, water, etc.)